Why The Simple Emotions

My name is Camden Blum and I am a Sophomore at Babson College. Throughout my high school career, I have endured an abundance of medical issues. First, I developed a breathing condition that went undiagnosed for a year and a half, until I was sent to National Jewish Hospital in Denver where I was diagnosed with exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction. During the entire process I had 17 different medicines, 17 different doctors, and 15 different procedures. One of the 17 medicines was a pill gabapentin which has a side effect of suicidal thoughts. With my mental health already struggling, receiving that side effect made it even worse. Then a month later I separated my left shoulder in a hockey game necessitating surgery. Fast forward another year I dislocated the same shoulder, needing another surgery, putting me out of the sport I love, hockey. My mental health took a major toll due to these medical issues and it was extremely hard for me to vocalize it. After my second surgery I created The Simple Emotions to raise awareness for mental health, as everybody is struggling with something. The clothing allows you to show how you feel without saying a word!